Terms, Conditions, Rules, and Regulations

2024 PLRB Claims Conference and Insurance Services Expo

The John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center

Halls C, D, & Auditorium

900 Boylston Street

Boston, MA

March 18 – 19, 2024


1.             Definitions


A.         Decorator means Freeman Exhibitor Services

B.         Decorator's Website means http://www.freemanco.com/   

C.         Facility means the the John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center

D.         Expo means the 2024 PLRB Insurance Services Expo.

E.          Expo Management means the Property & Liability Resource Bureau (PLRB).

F.          Expo Manager means the Property & Liability Resource Bureau's designated Expo Manager.

G.         Set up Day of the Expo means Friday, March 15, Saturday, March 16, and Sunday, March 17, 2024.

H.         Opening Day of the Expo means Monday, March 18, 2024.

I.           Closing Day of the Expo means Tuesday, March 19, 2024.

J.          Year of the Expo means 2024.

K.         Fees are as follows:



Affiliate Member Rate

Non-Member Rate

Exhibit Booth

$2,875 each

$3,250 each


$300 additional each

$300 additional each

Diamond Plus Sponsorship



Diamond Sponsorship



Platinum Sponsorship






Additional Booth Staff

$200 per person

$275 per person

Welcome Reception

$100 per person

$150 per person


L.          Hours: The hours are Eastern Standard Time Zone.


             (Note: Expo hours are subject to change.  Check your exhibitor service kits for exact hours.)




Set up Day of the Expo:                          Friday, March 15, 2024, 12:00 p.m. –  5:00 p.m.    

                                                                Saturday, March 16, 2024, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

                                                                Sunday, March 17, 2024, 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

        Opening Day of the Expo:                    Monday, March18, 2024

        Expo Hours:                                           Monday, March 18, 2024, 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

                                                                        Tuesday, March 19, 2024, 9:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

        Expo Tear-Down Time:                          Tuesday, March 19, 2024, 6:30 p.m. – 10:30 p.m.

                                                                        Wednesday, March 20, 2024, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.




All booths must be show ready by 8:00 a.m. on the Opening Day of the Expo.  Exhibitors who do not have their booth or booths set up by 8:00 a.m. will not be allowed to set up until the end of the Expo hours on Monday after 6:00 p.m. and only after receiving express PLRB approval to set up their booth or booths.




Closing Day of the Expo:                        6:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Day after Closing of the Expo:                8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.


Early Booth Dismantle


Exhibitors may not begin to dismantle booths prior to 6:00 p.m. on the Closing Day of the Expo. Early booth dismantling is a distraction to your neighbor, a potential safety problem, and may result in loss of exhibiting privileges at future PLRB events.


M.         All times indicated herein are Eastern Standard Time Zone.

N.         Applicant means the party listed on the application seeking exhibit space and/or seeking to sponsor the Conference.

O.         Application means the application for exhibit space and/or sponsorship of the Conference submitted by the Applicant, which is incorporated into and made part of these terms and conditions.





P.          Conference means the PLRB Claims Conference for the Year of the Expo.

Q.         Next Year's Claims Conference and Expo means the 2025 PLRB Claims Conference and Insurance Services Expo held in Indianapolis, IN, March 28 – April 2,  2025 at the Indiana Convention Center.


2.          Management and Supervision The Expo shall be governed by these Terms, Conditions, Rules, and Regulations, as well as the terms of the Exhibit Space Application issued by Expo Management.


3.          Consideration for Exhibit Space and/or Sponsorship:  In consideration for rental of exhibit space and/or sponsorship of the Conference as indicated in the Application, Applicant delivered a check payable to "PLRB" or paid by credit card using the secure online system as indicated on the Application Page. Booth pricing is listed on the Application and under Paragraph 1 of these Terms, Conditions, Rules, and Regulations.


             To obtain the affiliate rates, the Applicant must be an Affiliate Member of the PLRB at time of signing and at the time of the show.  Affiliate exhibit and sponsorship rates apply only to businesses who are exhibiting or sponsoring under the corporate name listed on the PLRB affiliate membership records.  Applicant may contact the PLRB concerning affiliate membership.


             Exhibit application payments must be paid in full before the Application is considered to be officially submitted.


PLRB has moved to a paperless conference, meaning most, if not all, PLRB published promotional materials listing sponsors and exhibitors will be in electronic form rather than traditional paper booklets, brochures, expo-guides, and registration materials.


A.         Standard benefits for exhibitors include:


1.          Basic exhibitor sign.  A sign with your company name and booth number will be posted at your booth.  The sign measures approximately 7 inches high by 44 inches wide.

2.          Attendee list.  Exhibitors will receive three versions of the conference's attendee list.  Three versions are provided to account for updates in registration and attendance records. Expo Management will send the first edition 30 days in advance of the Conference, send the second edition 10 days before the event and provide the third and final edition 10 days after the event.  Pursuant to PLRB policy, the list will contain the attendee's name, title, company name, city and state; however, no addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, or e-mail addresses can be provided.

3.          Access to the Conference's General Session for your registered booth staff and your registered conference attendees.

4.          Access to any offered morning continental breakfasts and coffee breaks for the Conference and exhibit hall food functions for your registered booth staff and your registered conference attendees.

5.          Expo directory listing.  Your company name, contact information, and description will be promoted in the Expo Directory.

6.          Exhibitor Services Kit. The Decorator will e-mail kits with shipping information and order forms for furniture, equipment and services.

7.          Standard spaces that measure 10 feet deep by 10 feet wide and that can be combined to form a single larger space.

8.          Pipe and drape back and side walls that are 3 feet high on the sides and 8 feet high in the back.

9.          Three complimentary booth staff registrations for each 10 foot by 10 foot exhibit space.  Up to three additional booth staff registrations may be added per booth by paying the appropriate Additional Booth Staff Fees listed above in paragraph 1. Booth staff registered as paid conference attendees do not have to pay the Additional Booth Staff Fees.


B.         Not included in exhibit space fees:


1.          Access for your representatives and staff to the Sunday Evening Welcome Reception is not included in the exhibit space fee.  Access is, however, available to exhibitor representatives and staff that are registered conference attendees.  In addition, your exhibitor representatives and booth staff, that are not paid conference registrants, may gain access to the Sunday Evening Welcome Reception by paying the Welcome Reception Fee listed above.

2.          Conference registration is not included for your company representatives or your booth staff in the exhibit space fee.  With the exception of the General Session on Monday morning, your booth representatives and staff are not entitled to attend conference sessions/classes.  However, registration is available for your staff at an additional fee. Refer to the conference program or www.plrbclaimsconf.org for fees and session listings.

3.          Booth furnishings and utilities such as tables, chairs, carpet, electricity, internet connections and similar are not included in the exhibit space fee.  However, furnishings and utilities may be ordered through the Decorator for an additional cost. The Decorator will e-mail kits with shipping information and order forms for furniture, equipment, and services.













C.         Diamond Plus Sponsorship provides (7) individual sponsorship options:


1.    General Session Keynote address---(3) Sponsorships are available (SOLD)

      Benefit: Individual  In-person recognition from the podium as the sponsor of the Keynote Address.

2.    Wednesday Luncheon-----(1) Sponsorship is available

      Benefit: Individual In-person recognition from the podium as the sponsor of the Wednesday luncheon;                individual tent cards displaying company logo placed at each dining round.

3.    WiFi Network Access----(1) Sponsorship is available (SOLD)

      Benefit: Wi-Fi network name replaced with name of sponsor; splash page with URL redirect displayed on           unique device when accessing Wi-Fi network.

4.    Educational Sessions---- (2) Sponsorships are available. (1) Sponsorship has been SOLD.

      Benefit: Sponsor logo displayed on educational breakout’s electronic onsite signage.


Additional benefits include:      


1.          Sponsor's company logo displayed on the expo hall entrance signage and on-site signage.

2.         Recognition of the sponsorship will be made at the Claims Conference General Session. Sponsors' company name and logo will be recognized from the podium.

3.          Recognition of sponsorship includes two expo hanging aisle signs measuring five feet high by three feet wide.

4.          Ten complimentary passes for the Conference's Sunday Evening Welcome Reception.

5.          Five complimentary Conference registrations permitting admission to all educational sessions and the Conference's Sunday’s Welcome Reception.

6.          Ten complimentary badges granting admission to the expo hall only.

7.          Recognition of your Sponsorship promoted in the PLRB online Exhibitor Directory and on the PLRB website.

8.          Unique Sponsorship landing page, accessed from the Claims Conference website that includes company description, contact information, link to sponsor video, and the option to post an interactive case study. The landing page will be available (30) days before, during and (30) days following the conclusion of the Claims Conference.

9.          Sponsor's company name and logo promoted in the Next Year's Claims Conference electronic registration material, but only if Sponsor renews the Sponsorship for the Next Year's Claims Conference and Expo by September 15 of the year before that event.

10.        Sponsor company name, description, and logo promoted as part of the 2024 Claims Conference app.

11.        The online Exhibitor Directory will have a direct link to the Sponsor website, from the date of confirmation of sponsorship until August 1, following the event.

             A.      Sponsor receives sponsorship acknowledgement on three months’ worth of PLRB produced               podcasts.

             B.      Scrolling Diamond Plus Sponsor Company logo, linked to sponsor landing page, posted on Claims     Conference App dashboard.

C.      Scrolling Diamond Plus Company logo on Claims Conference website.

D.      Diamond Plus Sponsor can present a two minute video highlighting their organization prior to the

Monday morning Claims Conference General Session.

E.      Standard Guest Room accommodation upgraded to an Executive Suite.


D.         Diamond Sponsorship provides these individual sponsorship options:


1.    Sunday’s Welcome Reception: (3) Sponsorships are available.

      Benefit: Recognition of sponsorship for Sunday’s Welcome Reception will be made on the Claims      Conference agenda, on-site signage, and the AV projection of sponsor’s logo in the Welcome Reception               venue.

2.    Monday Luncheon in the Expo: (3) Sponsorships are available.

      Benefit: : Recognition of sponsorship for Monday’s Luncheon will be made on the Claims Conference agenda, on-site signage, and the AV projection of sponsor’s logo in the Exhibit Hall during the Luncheon.        

3.    Tuesday Luncheon in the Expo: (3) Sponsorships are available.

      Benefit: Recognition of sponsorship for Tuesday’s Luncheon will be made on the Claims Conference agenda, on-site signage, and the AV projection of sponsor’s logo in the Exhibit Hall during the Luncheon.

4.    Monday’s Presenter/Exhibitor Reception: (3) Sponsorships are available.

      Benefit: Recognition of sponsorship for Monday’s Presenter/Exhibitor Reception will be made on the Claims     Conference agenda, on-site signage, and the AV projection of sponsor’s logo in the Exhibit Hall during the   Reception.


Additional Benefits Include:     


1.   Sponsor's company logo displayed on the expo hall entrance signage and on-site signage.

2.   Recognition of the sponsorship will be made at the Claims Conference General Session. Sponsor’s

company name and  logo will be recognized on screen and from the podium.      

3.   Recognition of sponsorship includes two hanging aisle signs measuring five feet high by three feet wide.

4.   Eight complimentary passes for the Conference's Sunday Evening Welcome Reception.

5.   Five complimentary Conference registrations permitting admission to all educational sessions and the Conference's Sunday’s Welcome Reception.

6.   Eight complimentary badges granting admission to the expo hall only.

7.   Recognition of your Sponsorship promoted in the PLRB online Exhibitor Directory and on the PLRB website.

       8.   Unique Sponsorship landing page, accessed from the Claims Conference website that includes company description, contact information, link to sponsor video, and the option to post an interactive case study. The   





                   landing page will be available (30) days before, during and (30) days following the conclusion of the Claims  Conference.

  9.        Sponsor company name, description, and logo promoted as part of the 2023, Claims Conference app.

10.        The online Exhibitor Directory will have a direct link to the Sponsor website, from the date of confirmation of sponsorship until August 1, following the event.

   11.        A.   Scrolling Diamond Sponsor Company logo, linked to sponsor landing page, posted on Claims          Conference App dashboard

               B.   Scrolling Diamond Sponsor Company logo on Claims Conference website.

                C.   Diamond Sponsor can present a two minute video highlighting their organization prior to the                                               Monday morning Claims Conference General Session.


E.          Platinum Sponsorship benefits include:


1.          Sponsor's company logo displayed on the expo hall entrance signage and on-site signage.

2.          Recognition of Sponsors at the Conference's Sunday Evening Welcome Reception will be made with signage at the entrance and in the reception ballroom

3.          Recognition of the sponsorship will be made at the Conference's General Session.  Sponsors' company names and logos will be recognized on the session’s entranceway signage, on-screen, and from the podium.

4.          Recognition of sponsorship for Food & Reception events specified by Expo Management including signage at all food and beverage stations located within the Expo Hall including two expo hanging aisle signs measuring five feet high by three feet wide.

5.          Five complimentary passes for the Conference's Sunday Evening Welcome Reception.

6.          Two complimentary Conference registrations permitting admission to all educational sessions and the Conference's Sunday Evening Welcome Reception.

7.          Five  badges granting admission to the expo hall only.

8.          Recognition of your Sponsorship promoted in the PLRB online Exhibitor Directory and on the PLRB website.

9.          Unique Sponsorship landing page, accessed from the Claims Conference website that includes company description, contact information, link to sponsor video, and the option to post an interactive case study. The landing page will be available (30) days before, during and (30) days following the conclusion of the Claims Conference.

10.        Sponsor's company name and logo promoted in the Next Year's Claims Conference electronic registration material, but only if Sponsor renews the Sponsorship for the Next Year's Claims Conference and Expo by September 15 of the year before that event.

11.        Sponsor company name, description, and logo promoted as part of the 2023 Claims Conference app documents.

12.        The online Exhibitor Directory will have a direct link to the Sponsor website, from the date of confirmation of sponsorship until June 30, following the event.


F.          Gold Sponsorship benefits include:


1.          Sponsor's company logo displayed on the expo hall entrance signage and on-site signage

2.          Recognition of the sponsorship will be made at the Conference's General Session. Sponsors' company names and logos will be recognized on the session’s entranceway signage, on-screen, and from the podium.

3.          Recognition of sponsorship for Food & Reception events specified by Expo Management including signage at all food and beverage stations located within the Expo Hall including one hanging aisle sign measuring five feet high by three feet wide.

4.          Recognition of your Sponsorship promoted in the online Exhibitor Directory and on the PLRB website.

5.          Three complimentary passes for the Conference's Sunday Evening Welcome Reception.

6.          One complimentary Conference registration permitting admission to all educational sessions and the Conference's Sunday Evening Welcome Reception.

7.          Three  badges granting admission to the expo hall only.

8.          Sponsor's company name and logo promoted in the Next Year’s Claims Conference electronic registration material, but only if Sponsor renews the Sponsorship for the Next Year's Claims Conference and Expo by September 15 of the year before that event.

9.          Sponsor company name, description, and logo promoted as part of the 2023, Claims Conference app documents.

10.        The online Exhibitor Directory will have a direct link to the Sponsor website, from the date of confirmation of sponsorship until June 30, following the event.










4.          Material Handling Services and Union Rules Shipping of exhibit materials will be arranged between the exhibitor and the Decorator.  Any booth furnishings, electrical furnishings, drayage, labor, and storage services will be arranged directly between each exhibitor and the Decorator. After payment of a rental fee by exhibitor and assignment of exhibition space by the Expo manager, the exhibitor will be e-mailed the Exhibitor Service Manual (initial mailing in January of the year of the Expo) containing complete information concerning services provided by the Decorator. Exhibitor may also obtain the Exhibitor Service Manual on-line at the Decorator's Website. The manual will include a Material Handling Order Form to assist in arranging the efficient transportation of the exhibitor's materials to the Expo hall. Exhibitor agrees to send no exhibiting materials directly to the hotel or exhibit hall.


5.          Name Badges Expo name badges must be worn at all times by exhibitor personnel on the Expo floor.


Exhibitor Badges – Each of the exhibitor's designated booth representatives (i.e. booth staffer) will be furnished with one badge listing the company's name and the representative's name. To minimize distractions to neighboring booths, exhibitors are restricted to three booth representatives for each ten foot by ten foot booth space at any given time.


Setup/Dismantle Special Passes -- Special passes will be available on-site for contractor and other essential personnel assisting with the Expo set up and/or dismantle process. The special passes will authorize admittance to the Expo floor only during set up/dismantle times. Such special passes will be void during Expo hours of operation.


No Other Badge Admittance -- Only Exhibitor Badges and Setup/Dismantle Special Passes will authorize admittance onto the Expo floor during setup and dismantle times.



6.          Exhibitor Attendance The maximum number of exhibitor representatives permitted to work in any single ten foot by ten foot space at any one time is three. The license to have three exhibitor representatives cannot be transferred from one exhibitor to another.  This applies regardless of any relation or association of the exhibitors.


7.          Care of Exhibits Space Construction, decoration, and equipment for each exhibit must conform to local fire prevention, safety, and health codes and ordinances. Packing containers, shipping cartons, and similar materials may not be stored in the exhibit area.  Use of nails, glue, paint, ink, or other materials that deface or mar the Facility's or the Decorator's property is prohibited. Exhibitor is liable for payment of any costs associated with damage from its conduct to the Facility's or the Decorator's property.


8.          Time of payment and Space Reservations.


A.         Space or Sponsorship Reservation:  No exhibit space or Conference sponsorship will be reserved in response to an Application that is submitted to Expo Management until Expo Management receives and processes full payment for the space and/or Conference sponsorship.

B.         Early Bird Discount or other Discounts:  Where a discount is offered to Applicants and an Applicant applies to receive Expo space at the discounted rate, the Applicant must make full payment for the discounted space when submitting the application.

C.         Space Allocation:  Where possible, consideration will be given to allocating space based upon the Applicant's initial input and request. However, ultimate allocation will be based on what works best for the entire program as determined by Expo Management.  All exhibit spaces are subject to approval, assignment, or reassignment if necessary, by Expo Management.  No refunds will be given as a result of any booth location reassignments.  Expo Management, at all times, reserves the right to modify the location, size, and display limits of a display booth where such modification is for the overall benefit of the Expo, required by law or administrative rule, or required by contract with the Facilities.

D.         Maximum Exhibit SizeEach exhibitor or group of exhibitors under common management shall be limited to a total number of booth spaces not to exceed twelve (12) spaces.

E.          Informal Associations.  Unincorporated associations of businesses are not eligible to rent or occupy a booth.


9.          Display Limitations Exhibitor shall confine the display and promotional activities to its allocated booth space. Any portion of a booth exhibit standing higher than forty-eight inches shall not extend beyond a point half way from the back of the booth (5’).  No portion of any booth exhibit shall interfere with aisle traffic.  Booth structures that block sightlines of neighboring booths are subject to removal.  Expo management adheres to the International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE) Guidelines for Display Rules and Regulations. Dimensions and Use of Space--An Island Booth is typically 20ft by 20ft (6.10m by 6.10m) or larger, although it may be configured differently. The entire Cubic Content of the space may be used up to the maximum allowable height, which is usually a range of 16ft to 20ft (4.88m to 6.10m),


10.        Sound and Lighting Exhibit noise levels shall at no time infringe on the rights of neighboring booths. All lighting and audiovisual equipment operation shall not interfere with activities of other exhibitors.


11.        Advertising by Others Advertising at the Expo is limited to those persons, firms, and corporations that have contracted and paid for exhibit space and Conference sponsors. No other persons, firms, or corporations will be permitted to demonstrate a product, solicit orders, or distribute advertising materials in the exhibition area.  No exhibitor, sponsor or other entity shall distribute any publication at or about the Conference or Expo purporting to be or in any manner resembling an official or unofficial conference and/or expo daily without express written consent of the Expo Management.  No exhibitor, sponsor or other entity shall distribute materials at the Conference or Expo for which the exhibitor, sponsor or other entity sold advertising to third parties unless express written consent is granted by the Expo Management.








12.        Assignment of Expo Space Exhibitor may not assign its contract for exhibit space or allow any other person or organization to use any part of the space without written permission from Expo Management.  Only one business can occupy a booth.  Unincorporated associations of businesses are not eligible to rent or occupy a booth.


13.        Indemnity and Insurance


Exhibitor or Sponsor agrees to protect, save, and hold the PLRB, the Facilities, and all agents and employees thereof (hereinafter collectively called Indemnities) forever harmless for any damages or charges imposed for violations of any law or ordinance, whether occasioned by the negligence of the exhibitors or those holding under the exhibitor.  Further, the exhibitor shall, at all times, protect, indemnify, save and hold harmless the Indemnities against and from any and all losses, costs, damages, liability, or expenses (including attorney's fees) arising from or out of or by reason of any accident or bodily injury or other occurrences to any person or persons, including the exhibitor, its agents, employees or business invitees, which arise from or out of or by reason of said exhibitor's occupancy and use of the exhibition premises, the hotel, or any part thereof.


Each Exhibitor and Sponsor shall maintain:


·          Commercial General Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit of liability $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate for bodily injury, death, property damage or personal injury. This policy shall include products/completed operations coverage and shall also include contractual liability coverage.

·          Business Auto Liability Insurance covering all owned, hired, and non-owned vehicles and equipment used by vendor/sponsor/supplier/contractor/exhibitor with a minimum combined single limit of liability of $2,000,000 for injury and/or death and/or property damage.

·          Workers Compensation and Employer’s Liability Insurance shall fully comply with the statutory requirements of all applicable state and federal laws with minimum limits of $500,000 per occurrence and $500,000 aggregate.

·          PLRB and Facilities shall be named as additional insureds. 


Any damage or destruction of others' property or personal injury to others resulting from the conduct of exhibitor, its agents, or employees will be exhibitor's sole responsibility.


Expo Management disclaims any liability for destruction of others' property, personal injury to others, or any dispute arising from the contractual relationship of exhibitor and the Decorator.


Furthermore, exhibitor shall be fully responsible to pay for any and all damages to property owned by the Facilities, its owners or managers that results from any act or omission of Exhibitor. Exhibitor agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless, the PLRB, the Facilities, their owners, managers, officers or directors, agents, employees subsidiaries and affiliates from any damages or charges resulting from Exhibitor's use of the property.   Exhibitor's liability shall include all losses, costs, damages, or expenses arising from or out of or by reason of any accident or bodily injury or other occurrences to any person or persons, including the Exhibitor, its agents, employees and business invitees which arise from or out of the Exhibitor's occupancy and use of the exhibition premises, the Hotel or any part thereof.


14.        Failure to Occupy Space If the exhibitor does not claim or occupy its assigned space before 8:00 A.M, CST on Opening Day of the Expo, Expo Management may, at its option, reassign the space to another exhibitor. The defaulting exhibitor will not be entitled to a refund of its rental fee.


15.        Cancellation by Exhibitor or Sponsor If Exhibitor or Sponsor cancels up to two months before the Event, Expo Management will refund fees paid to PLRB less a 10% administrative fee. Exhibitors and Sponsors will receive no refund for cancellations requested within two months of the Event.


16.        Cancellation by Management or Inability to Hold Exhibits 


             The parties agree that the following is a reasonable calculation of damages in the event of cancellation by PLRB.


Pre Event | Booths: If Expo Management cancels the Expo before Opening Day of the Expo or if, before the Opening Day of the Expo, causes beyond the control of Expo management arise which prevent the planned holding of the Expo, the Exhibitor will be refunded 100% of its rental fee. Management will not be liable for any other expenses the Exhibitor might incur or any consequential damages the Exhibitor may claim.


Pre Event | Sponsorships: If Expo Management cancels the Conference before the Opening Day of the Conference, Sponsorships fees will be refunded 90% less a 10% fee for administration and benefits received. Management will not be liable for any other expenses the Sponsor might incur or any consequential damages the Sponsor may claim.


Day One: If Expo Management cancels the Expo after the start of the Opening Day of the Conference, the exhibitor will be refunded 50% of its rental fee. Expo management will not be liable for any other expenses the Exhibitor might incur or any consequential damages the Exhibitor may claim. If Expo Management cancels the Conference after the start of the first day, Sponsorships fees will be refunded 50% of the Sponsorship. Management will not be liable for any other expenses the Sponsor might incur or any consequential damages the exhibitor or Sponsor may claim.


Day Two: If Expo Management cancels the Expo after the start of the Second Day of the Expo, the exhibitor will be refunded 25% of its rental fee. Expo Management will not be liable for any other expenses the Exhibitor might incur or any consequential damages the Exhibitor may claim. No refund will be made to Sponsors.






17.        Impossibility The performance of this agreement by either party is subject to acts of God, war, terrorism, government regulation, disaster, fire, strikes, civil disorder, curtailment of transportation facilities, or other similar cause beyond the control of the parties making it inadvisable, illegal, impractical or impossible to hold a successful meeting or to provide the facility.  This agreement may be terminated without penalty for any one or more such reasons by written notice from one party to the other, except as provided in paragraphs 15 and 16 above.


18.        Playing or Performing of Music Applicant represents and warrants that no musical work protected by copyright will be staged, produced or, otherwise performed via either “live” or “mechanical” means at or around the Expo, by or on behalf of Applicant, unless Applicant has previously obtained written permission from the copyright owner’s designee (e.g. ASCAP, BMI, or SESAC) for such use.


Applicant further represents and warrants that it shall be fully responsible for the performance of all obligations under any agreement permitting the use of such music, including but not limited to all obligations to report data and pay royalty fees.


Applicant agrees to indemnify, save and hold harmless and defend Expo Management, its directors, officers, agents, employees, and each of them, from and against any and all claims, costs and expenses (including legal fees and expenses), demands, actions, and liabilities of every kind with respect to any breach of the foregoing representations and warranties.


19.        Special Assistance/ADA Compliance In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act, all exhibitor personnel needing special assistance should contact Expo Management with their requests.


20.        Application Acceptance Acceptance of an application does not mean endorsement by Expo Management of the Applicant's service or product. Rejection of the application does not imply disapproval of the Applicant's service or product.


21.        Exhibitor Conduct Expo Management has authority to prohibit an exhibit from continuing, if at any time the purpose and character of the Expo is jeopardized by the continuation of the exhibit. In the event of an exhibitor discontinuation order, management will not be liable for any refund of the exhibit space rental fee.


22.        Promotional Demonstration, Handouts, Food  Demonstrations of products or services, as well as distribution of souvenirs, samples, and other promotional items shall not disrupt traffic flow nor infringe on visitors' and other exhibitors' rights. No food or beverages may be distributed by any exhibitor without express written approval of Expo Management, Facilities management, and the Expo Management's and Facility's approved food and beverage contractor.  Prohibited items include any and all consumables such as beverages, candies, mints, nuts, popcorn, bottled goods, etc.  Expo Management reserves the right to approve all promotional demonstrations, giveaways and/or handouts to be used by exhibitors.  Exhibitor assumes all liability as indicated in paragraph 13 of these Terms, Conditions, Rules, and Regulations.


23.        Entertainment Policy The purpose of the Conference is education. The strength, reputation, and national support of the Conference are the result of its commitment to hardworking, intense professional development.  The official Conference program also provides helpful forums for networking among insurers' claims professionals and claims service providers. Any additional activity sponsored by a claims service provider in conjunction with the Conference that undermines or conflicts with the primary educational purpose and reputation of the Conference and future conferences is prohibited.


As example, entertainment during conference and expo hours is a conflict and prohibited.  Also, after-hours entertaining of fifteen or more conference attendees by any one person, organization, or group that extends past 11:00 p.m. on an evening before morning sessions undermines the educational experience and is prohibited.  “Adult themed” entertainment undermines the reputation of the event and is prohibited.


Failure to comply with the policy can result in sanctions, including but not limited to:


Loss of exhibiting privileges at PLRB events

Loss of speaking privileges at PLRB events

Loss of attendance privileges at PLRB events.


24.        Raffles Because raffles, sweepstakes and lotteries are generally prohibited by law, Exhibitors are prohibited from holding raffles, sweepstakes or lotteries at PLRB events including the Expo. Furthermore, any giveaways to attendees, including attendees who may participate in a lawful game of skill, must be of de minimus value ($25.00 or less). The intention of the games of skill is to create networking opportunities between attendees and exhibitors. Please refrain from promoting the gift prize solely to draw attention to the booth.    


25.        Exhibit Hall Agreement This contract with exhibitor is subject to terms of the agreement between Expo Management and the Facilities.


26.        Interpretation/Choice of Law Expo Management has total authority of interpretation and enforcement of these Terms, Conditions, Rules, and Regulations and reserves the right to amend them at any time for the benefit of the Expo. Exhibitors/Sponsors and their representatives who violate these Terms, Conditions, Rules, and Regulations or who, in the opinion of Expo Management, conduct themselves unethically, may be dismissed from the Expo and/or Conference without refund or other appeal and may be excluded from participation in future PLRB conferences and expos.


Should either party resort to litigation or any form of alternative dispute resolution, the parties agree that the jurisdiction, venue and choice of law shall be DuPage County, Illinois.








27.        Entire Agreement These “Terms, Conditions, Rules, and Regulations” and the “Application” (Agreement) contain the entire agreement between PLRB and Exhibitor/Sponsor and there are no other promises or conditions in any other agreement oral or written.  This Agreement supersedes any prior written or oral agreements between PLRB and Exhibitor/Sponsor. 


28.        Severability Should any provision of this Agreement prove to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable.


29.        Release of Liability Applicant shall be fully responsible to pay for any and all damages to property owned by the Facilities, its owners or managers that results from any act or omission of ApplicantApplicant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless, the Expo Management, the Facilities, their owners, managers, officers or directors, agents, employees, subsidiaries and affiliates, from any damages or charges resulting from Applicant‘s use of the property.  Applicant’s liability shall include all losses, costs, damages, or expenses arising from or out of or by reason of any accident or bodily injury or other occurrences to any person or persons, including the Applicant, its agents, employees and business invitees which arise from or out of the Applicant’s occupancy and use of the exhibition premises, the Hotel or any part thereof. 


30.        Privacy Sponsor or Exhibitor agrees not to buy or sell lists of personal information of event participants because individuals participating in the event have rights to privacy under the law including the right to object to the use of their information as well as other rights. Sponsor agrees to comply with those laws and assist PLRB in meeting its obligations under such privacy laws including where personal information is shared by PLRB with Sponsor or Exhibitor or when information is otherwise acquired in relation to PLRB events. The Parties are aware that others attempt to sell “PLRB” participant lists and that those lists are unauthorized by PLRB and most likely unauthorized by the event participants.


31.        Taxes Each Sponsor and Exhibitor is solely responsible for registering, collecting, and paying any and all applicable taxes on goods and services arising from their activities that may be due in the jurisdiction of the event. Each Sponsor and Exhibitor is responsible for determining whether any such taxes apply to their activities.